Technology Burnout? Try a Phone Call!

I am a lover of technology. I love my iphone, I love my tablet, I love my laptop and I love being able to access any information I want in seconds, thanks to amazing advances in technology. Things like LTE (seriously faster than wifi), being able to have a business meeting online, or simply being able to order a pizza through an app. Being able to email back and forth is great, it makes communicating a request or a question to a colleague or client extremely easy. I do find, however, that email burns me out.

I get a little bit antsy when I have 14 new messages in my inbox after two hours. Sometimes the ding of my phone telling me I have new mail stresses me out. So I challenged myself to pick up the phone, instead of typing what I need. The results have been incredible.

One of my friends is a realtor. She rarely contacts clients by email, because she feels that it loses an important personal touch. She explained that her clients have hired her based on her experience and her personality, and have trusted her with their biggest assets, whether buying or selling. Simply sending words electronically isn’t as reassuring that she cares about their business as a phone call. Purchasing or selling a home can be so stressful, and a simple phone call can set your mind at ease and let your client know you’re on it.

I find that when you own or work within a small business, generally you’re wearing several different hats per day. A lot of times, our email communications are short, quick back and forth messages that can often times get lost in the shuffle. I find that just picking up the phone and calling a client, at least once per week, can strengthen a relationship, grow your trust, and add way more of a personal touch than any smiley emoticon ever could.

So, if you’re reading out there in the business blogosphere, try it. Don’t completely ditch the email, but mix it up. Have a warm conversation and follow it up with an email. It does make a difference!

Happy chatting!


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