Social Media – Time Sucker or Really Worth the Hype . . . Part 1 of a series

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. . .that time sucking, not sure if it’s effective but your told you need it way of connecting with the world.

You’ve likely heard of, and participate on some level with, the big three: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. But there are dozens, if not hundreds, more. What platform is best for your business and how can you use them most effectively without consuming hours of your time?

Navigating the Social Media world is a lot easier with a basic understanding how and why it works and what it is.

This month, let’s look at what Social Media means.  It’s comprised of two words, “Social” and “Media”.  This should imply that it is a social forum, it’s interactive and requires your engagement to be successful.  Simply scheduling your tweets, status updates or picture uploads isn’t enough – in fact it’s about as effective as attending a networking function and standing in the corner talking to yourself.  Media is exactly that, it indicates that there is some medium whether it’s pictures, videos, small thoughts or big essays that you are sharing in this social environment.

When used effectively the key reason Social Media is so effective is that it allows your customer immediate access to you and or your product.  It lets them see “you” beyond just another financial planner.  It allows you to show off your expertise by offering helpful engaging and timely information and unlike a newspaper or television spot it’s dynamic.

Social Media does come with one big myth and that’s that it is free.  Access to the various platforms is free – but your time isn’t. That’s one of the reasons we’ve put together our Social Media packages for small business.  We can set you up and train you to stride into the Social Media world with confidence or we can completely manage it for you. Contact us  today to schedule your FREE Social Media Audit.

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